SOCY 273 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cognitive Miser, Social Cognition, Social Market Economy

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Two aspects of being critical: critical literature: Raises challenges about fundamental assumptions, methodological practices, and interpretations of data within psychology current event, concerns, experiences and social psychology. Focuses more on the individual than social factors. Emphasizes on social phenomena (how society afects the individual: critical thinking: You might not feel able to debate even if you have the will. Social psychology: is the scientiic study of the ways in which people"s thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are inluenced by the real or imagined presence of other people. Described an initiating modern society to applying something to combine concerns from psychology to check mental processes: william mcdougal: The way in which perception is meaningfully organized. Experiencing something as a whole rather than sum of parts. We perceive something by illing in the blanks. Neutral stimuli can trigger a target response behaviour if repeatedly presented with a stimuli that brought about response behaviour. Genetic + personality + trait dispositional factors.