POLS 211 Study Guide - Final Guide: English Canada, Quebec Nationalism, Employment Equity (Canada)

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Federal government bought big portions that was held in trust for fn: *why it"s important = relationship of fn/cn state; ongoing issue; extreme measures, colonialism (institutions, acts, royal proclamation, 1763. Declaration surrendered land from fr eng (all unceded land reserved for. Terra nullius absence of sovereignty = whoever got their first. ** key to future court ruling on land claim rights of aboriginal peoples: bna act, 1867. Created the new country of canada and outlined the two governing principles of. Canadian political system responsible government and federalism. Consolidation of previous acts goal = assimilation. Took away inherent canadian rights had to give up indian status to achieve these (voting) Band council eurocentric way of organization: white paper, 1969. Trudeau-chretien plan to abolish indian act abandoned because massive opposition from fn. **fn mobilized against idea of abolishing indian act + rights promised during treaty negotiations would be lost: decolonizing, citizenship, acts/bills canadian citizenship act, naturalization act, 1868.