POLS 211 Study Guide - Final Guide: Tolfa, Iroquois, Canada Health Act

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Federalism: can be defined as a division of powers between central and regional go(cid:448)er(cid:374)(cid:373)e(cid:374)t"s su(cid:272)h that (cid:374)either is subordinate to each other. The indigenous struggles, between their rights to land, and the governments rights as well. Pluralist approach: the resources to influence power are widely dispersed among many interest in society, rather than tightly controlled by one particular group of elites. From this perspective, resources include money, legitimacy, and public support. Marxist approach: emphasize the role that economic groups in particular, classes play in shaping the nature of politics and government. Different ontological understanding of hu(cid:373)a(cid:374)"s relation to nature and the earth, different understanding of worship. Royal proclamation (1763) declaration regarding surrendered land from france to england. Designated all un-ceded land as reserved for indians, under protection of the crown. Terra nullis: the idea that its (cid:862)(cid:374)o(cid:271)odies la(cid:374)d(cid:863) Treaties: agreements of particular rights and provisions from the.