POLS 211 Study Guide - Final Guide: Westminster System, Small Claims Court, Americanization

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Majority of provinces were not in favour of confederation, but ontario was (which is why. Canada is still ontario-centric: nova scotia, new brunswick and quebec were reluctant. Newfoundland joins 1949: royal proclamation 1763. Influx was responsible for the division of upper and lower canada (paved the way for. French: french/english and democratic tension, durham report 1839. Bna act (regionalism, english/french, aboriginal rights, canada-us relations: rural urban divide, backroom negotiations, unelected senate, democracy and the concentration of power in the pmo, underrepresented women. Regime = form of govt and underlying principles. Equality -> priority principle in democracy is equality: people share equality in rule; although maybe not wealth or status, equality can be exercised by voting for a representative. Liberty -> canada is seen as a liberal-democracy: maintains public/private spheres, we have rights up until there is a law to prohibit us, freedom of religion, expression and freedom of the press.