HLTH 230 Study Guide - Erythropoiesis, Hypertension, Dietary Reference Intake

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Retain chemical identity and remain in the body until they are excreted. Minerals and cooking: cannot be destroyed by heat, acid, mixing, or air, they can leach into cooking water. Differs between minerals: potassium is easily absorbed, transported freely and excreted by the kidneys, calcium requires a carrier for transportation and absorption. Some minerals can be toxic in high levels. Bioavailability in food: can bind and combine with nutrients, absorption is prevented. Sodium and calcium have interactions when sodium intake is high, causing both to be excreted. Phosphorous binds magnesium in the gi tract. Magnesium absorption is limited when phosphate intake is high. Roles of minerals: fluid balance, bone health. Taste is appealing: enhances other flavours, suppresses bitter flavours. Foods provide more than the body requires. Roles in the body: cation of extracellular fluid. Regulator of volume of fluid: helps maintain acid base balance, assists in nerve impulse and muscle contraction. Adequate intake 1500mg: upper intake - 2300mg.