ECON 331 Final: Econ 331 Final Sheet

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Note: in the final few classes of the semester with frank lewis, he will go through possible exam questions with you and answer them. They are very similar to the ones he will ask you on the exam so study them hard. He divides the exam into three sections: a, b, c. then, he will ask you to answer 2 of 4 questions from each section. Here are the questions that he gave me: main features of north american fur trade, trading process: Hbc established 4 forts (ft albany, ft churchill, york factory and moose factory), which consisted of 80-90% trade of beaver parchment/pelt. The hbc gained complete trading control in 1670 with the royal charter, taking all lands whose rivers and streams drained into hudson"s bay. Indians came to forts to trade beavers for european goods (unlike french voyageurs) Timing of trade determined by river and hudson straight thawing (may-september)