PSYC 2920 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Internal Validity, Sampling Frame, Quasi

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Pseudoscience: methods are not scientific, bias, usually a conflict of interest 29373 Intuition: knowledge acquired from personal experiences or observations (hunches) Authority: accept knowledge based solely on consideration of the source (prestige, etc). Empiricism: a philosophical belief that claims all knowledge is obtained through the senses, not inherited. Scientific research is empirical; it uses observation to obtain information (data) to make facts. Falsifiable: something that can be supported or refuted by empirical data (which can be collected: empirical: knowledge is acquired through systematic observation, objective (free from bias) Objectivity: observations and interpretations must be unbiased. Steps taken to ensure they are not affe(cid:272)ted (cid:271)(cid:455) the resear(cid:272)her"s a(cid:374)d parti(cid:272)ipa(cid:374)t"s e(cid:454)pe(cid:272)tatio(cid:374)s. Double blind procedure: in which neither the subject nor the experimenter knows which treatment condition the subject received: public (available to all) Must be observations that could be made by anyone (with appropriate instrumentation). Wundts introspective method: only you can observe your own metal processes.