PSYC 2520 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel, Resting Potential, Axon Terminal

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Is the study of life processes and activity of neurons. Also the study of how neurons communicate with one another. There are two types in neurons in this communication. Information is transmitted from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron. The cell body and the dendrites receive information. This information is sent down the axon towards the. It is then transmitted to another neuron through the. The chart below shows a message (neurotransmitters) being sent through the synapse. commons. wikimedia. org. Presynaptic membrane on the axon terminal of the presynaptic neuron (the sender) Postsynaptic membrane on the dendrite or cell body of the post synaptic neuron (the receiver) Synaptic cleft the gap that separates the membrane. Axon collaterals and axon terminal boutons schoolneuropsychology. weebly. com. To make it easier to memorize you could think of the neuron as a post office and the neural message as a package.