NURS 1016 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Gerontological Nursing, Canadian Nurses Association, Hearing Loss

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18 Nov 2016

Document Summary

Meaning of old age and those identified as older adults are determined by society and culture and influenced by history and gender. (cid:498)old(cid:499) can be classified into (cid:885) groups: Proportion of population greater than 65 years is steadily increasing. Population greater than 65 years is expected to double over the next two decades and the number of individuals greater than 85 years will quadruple. Population has aged faster than any other province in canada. Migration- young people leave for work, while former residents return to retire. Gerontological explosion- refers to an increase in ethnically diverse older adults. Healthy aging- a lifelong process of optimizing opportunities for improving and preserving health and physical, social and mental wellness, independence, quality of life and enhancing successful life-course transitions. Accessibility- to broad range of healthcare services; consider barriers to care, such as financial and geographical.