NURS 1004 Study Guide - Final Guide: Controlled Vocabulary, Information System, Paper Towel

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Final exam review of materials covered after midterm. Thinking- conscious engagement about an idea, thought, or perceived problem (rational thinking) Reasoning (box 16. 1)- refers to generalizations used to create specific conclusions. Inductive- specific events used to form broader generalizations. Deductive- generalizations used to create specific conclusions. The distinction between thinking and critical thinking is based on the reason, content, and process of thinking. Goes beyond recognition of an initial thought. In nursing, critical thinking is a mode of thinking about any: It is based on intellectual values that transcend subject matter. Without critical thinking, a deeper understanding of knowledge would not occur, leaving nursing care essentially ineffective. Prompts action- professional nursing associations and accrediting boards cite critical thinking as an important skill in nursing. To understand what critical thinking is, it is helpful to examine some of the most prominent definitions.