NURS 1002 Study Guide - Final Guide: Paranasal Sinuses, Occipital Lobe, Medial Rectus Muscle

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Chapter 1: use the proper anatomical and directional terms to describe body planes, body regions and relative positions. Standard anatomic position- specimen is presented facing forward, toes pointing forward, the feet shoulder width apart and palms facing forward. Important because it creates a standard point of reference that facilitates communication among science and health care professionals. Sagittal plane- cut down from head to feet in right or left side. Frontal (coronal) plane- cut ear to ear/ front and back halves. Transverse (horizontal) plane- parallel to the floor; perpendicular. Superior/ cranal- top of body (towards he head) Inferior/ caudal- lower portion of body (towards the feet) Lateral- away from the midline of the body. Proximal- towards an attachment point on the body. Distal- away from an attachment point on the body. Deep- away from the surface of the body. Small intestine: identify the major body cavities and their subdivisions.