NURS 1002 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Brachialis Muscle, Pectoralis Major Muscle, Semimembranosus Muscle

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Compact bone- the dense and solid outer covering of bone composed of structural units called osteons. Osteons- compact bone contains many cylinder- shaped structural units: living bone cells (osteocytes) are in small compartments called lacunae. Cancellous (spongy) bone- found inside of bone and is characterized by open space partially filled with boney trabeculae (group of paritions formed by bands or columns of. Has trabeculae which contain irregularly arranged lamellae: trabeculae are arranged along lines of stress, which enhances bone strength. Draw a long bone and name the main structural features. Epiphysis- ends of long bone; filled with cancellous bone; covered in hyaline cartilage. Periosteum- dense irregular ct that surronds the bone. Found in compact bone contains many cylinder- shaped structural units. The collagen fibers of the lamellae alternate directions in each layer. This alternating pattern fortifies bone and helps it withstand twisting forces (torsion) Bone is made up of 30-35% osteoid- non- mineralized organic matrix secreted by bone forming cells.