GEOG 1050- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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Globalization through three registers: globalization through three registers, we can get a better understanding of globalization by thinking of its i) economic, Reconstruction and development; now the world bank, washington, d. c: reduced trade barriers via general agreement on tariffs and trade, now. What(cid:859)s i(cid:373)porta(cid:374)t is that it attra(cid:272)ts a(cid:374)d retai(cid:374)s (cid:374)e(cid:449) users i(cid:374) (cid:1005)9(cid:1004) (cid:272)ou(cid:374)tries. (cid:863) (barrett: conclusion, globalization involves a variety of phenomena, geographers are interested in the spatial pattern arising from these. By looking at is more globalization through three registers, we see that globalization (cid:272)o(cid:373)pli(cid:272)ated tha(cid:374) (cid:449)e thought (cid:271)ut also (cid:373)ore i(cid:374)teresti(cid:374)g. Globalization and hip hop: global hip hop nation, by the (cid:1005)99(cid:1004)s, hip hop (cid:858)tra(cid:448)els(cid:859) (cid:449)ith (cid:373)edia to far-flung parts of the globe. Interpret a basic measure of inequality (gini index: what is inequality, why do you keep talking about percentages, because we can use them to quantify inequality in a population.