BUSI 1210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Swot Analysis, Work Ethic

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The marketing environment: factors and forces outside the marketing department that affect marketing managements ability to maintain relationships with customers. To identify future marketing opportunities and threats. To respond to identified opportunities and threats. Microenvironment: factors and forces that are close to a company that impact a marketer"s ability to satisfy customers. Macroenvironment: larger societal forces that are very difficult to influence and manage. (must identify opportunities and threats and respond accordingly) Other parts of the organization (operations, finance, accounting, etc. ) Marketing must have good working relationships with other company departments. Those from whom raw materials and inputs are purchased from. Organizations that help promote, sell and distribute offers to final buyers (resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services agencies, etc. ) Suppliers and marketing intermediaries are both seen as partners because they help the company make and distribute their offers to their target market.