[BIOL 1001] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 22 pages long Study Guide!

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1. 1-the principles of life and levels of biological organization. The unifying principles that guide out understanding of life. There are 9 principles of life: the first 7 are common to all life forms. Principle 1: cells are the simplest units of life. Term organisms can be applied to all living things: maintain an internal order that is separated from the environment, simplest unit is the cell. Cell theory states: all organisms are composed of cells, cells are the smallest units of life, new cells come from pre-existing cells by cell division. Multicellular: contain many cells (plants and animals) Principle 2: living organisms use energy acquired from the environment. Carry out a variety of chemical reactions used for breakdown of nutrients: often release energy through respiration. Energy can be used to synthesize the components that make up individual cells and living organisms. Metabolism: chemical reactions involved with the breakdown and synthesis of cellular molecules.