[CRJS 1013] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 79 pages long Study Guide!

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Chapter 1 diversity and inequality: theoretical understanding. Different dimensions/concepts of diversity: heterogeneity, social stratification, social inequality, minority group status qualified for a certain role, example: race, gender, etc, they are given value in society (such as making a decision for who is. Socially meaningful differences impact an individuals social perception (cid:498)degree of socially meaningful differences among and between individuals, nor negative(cid:499: empirical verified groups, communities, cultures, and societies. Diversity, for our purposes is best described as various social characteristics which include, but are not limited to the following concepts: heterogeneity, social stratification, social inequality, minority group status. Horizontal division of population based on socially meaningful differences. Differences in things such as sex, age group, education, place of birth, music, social networking sites, sports, etc. Members of the smaller groups will have more interaction with the larger group than vice versa.