[CRJS 1013] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 41 pages long Study Guide!

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Diversity: degree of socially meaningful differences among and between individuals, groups, communities, cultures and societies. Social fact that is neither negative or positive unless there is a specific agenda and we start putting value on our socially meaningful differences. Diversity, for our purposes is best described as various social characteristics which include but are not limited to the following concepts: Closed societies: societies that put value on aspects of yourself that you cant change (gender, race etc. ) Horizontal division of population based on socially meaningful differences. Social interaction and integration: members of the smaller groups will have more interaction with the larger group than vice versa. In terms of education in our class, there is heterogeneity ( sameness ) Not valued in closed societies: achieved status: aspects of social stratification where social ranking is based on the characteristics that an individual can change/control. (race, gender etc. ) Socially meaningful differences that are a source of social power.