PSYCH 2H03 Midterm: Midterm 3 Review

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Films from la police department; asked ps to watch. Depicted the crime / death of at least one person subjectivew viewed filmed; were interviewed 2 days later by people trained in interview techniques (ex: lapd) Three retrieval conditions: cognitive interview, hypnosis, standard interview. Results: best recall occurred for the cognitive interview. Why these tend to be remembered a lot: usually very emotional content, and emotion improves memory consolidation (biological reasons, emotion focuses attention, frequently rehearsed, better remembered than other memories. Accuracy and adequacy: we do make errors, but generally, our memories are really good. We often rely on heuristics to recall information. Selection of what to encode, store and retrieve. Idea that human memory designed to predict the future: more connections better chance of retrieval. What makes for good connections: the most meaningful connections. New memories should be able to interface with old memories: wewant to be able to organize new memories according to existing knowledge structures.