PSYCH 1XX3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Lateral Geniculate Nucleus, Depth Perception, Neuroanatomy

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Unit 1: introduction to the neural control of behavior. 100 billion neurons: each neuron between 1-100000 connections between different neurons. This network = everything that makes you who you are: personality, perception, memories. Forming connections = critical to a neuron"s long-term survival because neurons receive neurotrophic factors from other neurons to stay alive. How does a biological brain produce the mental processes of a mind: descartes: separating mental processes of the mind from the physical processes of the brain. In his dualist framework, mind was a separate entity (existing outside of biology, but in control of our actions and thoughts: physical part of the brain: serve as a connection between mind and body. Where neuroscience and psychology intersect: studying molecules, cells and systems of the brain to study the systems that underlie your mental abilities. Cells in the body: specialize to a variety of functions. Receives and relays signals down the axon.