POLSCI 3CC3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Human Condition, Public Sphere, Original Position

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Themes: metaphysics; dualism; real v. apparent world. God is dead;no metaphysical world that is holding deep concepts/truths. Hoax: become a metaphysical artist and make your own meaning: transcendent morality; Values/concepts are context dependent, if truth is made and not discovered, you cannot have transcendent morality: cartesian self; In order to punish, we assume the cs in order to persecute, assume same person ex; transgendered: error of false causality; Uncomfortable truth; life is random and meaningless; ex pearson airport baby: error of imaginary causes. What we invent as truth and the cause; god; hoax on ourselves. Equality: db; are women equal, no women are not equal, challenges the concept of fair justice, the context was not fair to being with. Private sphere is a power-free zone; any way you act is irrational. Hoax: women are confronted more immediately with fraudulent nature of justice, men are not familiar with the hoax: need to recognize hoax of justice in order to change it.