POLSCI 1G06 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Proletariat, Bourgeoisie, Liberal Democracy

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Democracy has triumphed over the world only in the recent past. Until then, many philosophers such as the ancient greeks (aristotle) criticized it, and others did not believe it was a good form of government. After the multi-nation revolutions in 1989, democracy became to be known as the ultimate form of government. Ancient greece: direct democracy: the people would go to a tribunal and argue for or against a law, the state was one with the citizens; there was no differentiation between the two. Romans and italians: republicans: machiavelli: one constitutional form is unstable, but many mixed together is good (monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy). Until the mid 20th century, not every citizen had an equal voice in the voting system and minority groups such as immigrants, slaves, black people, etc. could not vote because they were not qualified. In britain only 3% of the population was qualified to vote, until 1928 when the whole population had an equal right.