POLSCI 1G06 Study Guide - Final Guide: David Held, Authoritarianism, Kyoto Protocol

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Out 11 6 will appear on the exam and pick 3 to answer. Must demonstrate an explicit awareness of the academic debates that we discussed in class. Draw upon required readings (especially the journals) Don"t rely on the overheads or just books. 3 hour exam use all 3 hours. If there is inequality in influencing the political process, where does inequality exist and why: according to freedom house, a total of 117 countries are now electoral democracies. We live in a world where more and more states have chosen democracy as their government system. According to david held, national democracies require international democracy if they are to be sustained and developed in the contemporary era. Paradoxically, perhaps, democracy has to be extended and deepened within and between countries for it to retain its relevance in the twenty-first century. Comparing 2 theories and then reflect it back to number 1: explore democratic peace literature.