PHILOS 2D03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Leon Kass, Bioethics, Leigh Park

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Explain the four approaches to patient-doctor relationships and evaluate each model. Four approaches are: paternalistic, informative, interpretive and deliberative a. ) Physician knows best; patients views are irrelevant. Patient must follow orders like a child; doctor is the superior or parent" figure. Physicians role is to just make patient happy, no regard for patient preference. Doctors act manipulatively towards the patient to make them healthy with no regard to patient preference; lack of respect for patient. Patient knows what is best for them; physician offers suggestions, but does not say which treatment is the best in the circumstance. Patients role is to make their own healthcare choices; doctor seeks to serve the patient. Physician gives information, then implement the patients choice. Overlooks patient"s needs for meaningful consultation; doctors abandoning patients when they need them most c. ) interpretive model. Patients need help in coming to know what they think about an issue.