PHILOS 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Infinitive, Doxa, Determinism

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Document Summary

Pre-socratic philosophy focused on first principles of nature. Used the term arche to describe the first principles. Model of universe: earth equal distance from everything. World map was based on what he saw and believed. There is no movement for the earth, so the earth does not move. Knowledge is limited, no one man will know all things, difficulty to divine knowledge, distinction between knowledge and belief or opinion (doxa) You can never step in the same river twice. All of reality is a state of being. Way of truth (alethia) and way of opinion (doxa) Do not trust the senses, rationalism- reason rules. Dialogues of socrates as main character, who engages in dialectic as a way to knowledge. Frequent use of socratic irony, true taken one way, false taken another. Socrates- people act badly only through ignorance- with perfect knowledge, goodness would follow. Socrates is charged with not recognizing the gods recognized by the state and other accounts.