PHILOS 1A03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Presupposition, Irony, Frugality

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Thales is the first philosopher believed all nature originated from water. Pre-socratics were concerned with first principles of nature. 1 | c a s a l m e. The arch is the aperion the unbounded, unlimited, or indeterminate: first purely theoretical explanation, first programme of natural inquiry, first philosophical rationalism. Used the terms arche to describe first principles. 2 | c a s a l m e. Philosophy 1a03 endless primordial essence, that all things are born from and, in time, all things will disappear into. Universe was born from an unknowable, unobservable substance known as. Aperion, which loosely translates to the boundless or that which has no limit . Nature is unlimited in its ability to produce variation and change. Aperion: an unobserved substance (substance being a rather generous description of it) that has no limits placed upon it.