NURSING 1I02 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hearing Aid

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Good morning, my name is ____ and i"m a level 1 nursing student at mcmaster university. Good, so i"ll begin the assessment now and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions should you have any. Alright john before i move you i just have to ask some precautionary questions to make sure you"re in a good enough condition to be moved out of bed. Alright i"m going to assess the strength in your limbs so push down on my hands with your feet. Don"t let me push your ankles down, push on my hands. Alright we seem good to go, so i"m going to get these pillows out of the way here. Now i"m going to raise the side rail and elevate the bed to a safe working height. On 3 i"m going to help you sit up but on 2 i"m going to swing your legs over the side of the bed.