NURSING 1I02 Study Guide - Final Guide: Mental Status Examination, Circumlocution, Dysarthria

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Good morning, my name is ____ and i"m a level 1 nursing student at mcmaster university. Good, so i"ll begin the survey now and please do not hesitate to ask me any questions should you have any. So john, to begin i"m going to assess your appearance, with respect to posture, body movements, dress, and grooming and hygiene. Just from watching you from here, i"ve noticed that your posture is erect and position is relaxed, your body movements are voluntary, deliberate, coordinated, smooth and even, which are very good signs. *determine whether patient is awake, alert, and aware of stimuli and responds to stimuli, or if they are lethargic or obtunded. *assess facial expression for congruent expression to situation, appropriate and comfortable eye contact. *assess speech for clear articulation, quality, pace, and word choice matching educational level (or if it is dysphonic, slow, uncommunicative, rapid fire, dysarthria, circumlocution) *assess whether responses are congruent with facial expression and body language.