MUSIC 2MT3 Study Guide - Final Guide: 4Music, Precomposed Character, Gabrielle Giffords

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Document Summary

Music therapy is a discipline in which credentialed professionals (mta*) use music purposefully within therapeutic relationships to support development, health, and well- being. Music therapists use music safely and ethically to address human needs within cognitive, communicative, emotional, musical, physical, social, and spiritual domains. Camt is a federally incorporated, self-regulated non-profit professional association. It aims to create strong certified music therapists (mtas) and bring awareness about professional music therapy services throughout canada. Provincial body provides support, they do not regulate the profession. University-bachelor or a graduate diploma in music therapy. The student must complete a 1000hr supervised internship, providing the student with an opportunity to gain practical experience and refine his/her clinical skills. The psychotherapy act, 2007 was proclaimed by the ontario government on april 1, 2015, bringing the college of registered psychotherapists of ontario (crpo) into full operation as a health regulatory college.