[LINGUIST 2E03] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 140 pages long Study Guide!

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70% of what we think about someone is based on body language. We go with what we see rather than what we hear. The territorial instinct we all have certain space requirements. Personal bubble: the space we require around us to feel comfortable. If someone invades our territory", we feel that we need to defend it. People extend this defense mechanism to personal space in a sense that it is our territory. We form an egocentric bubble" of personal space (e. hall, 1959) that we carry with us wherever we go. When someone enters your space or bubble, when someone violates it, you retreat and move back so you can reclaim the distance / space you wish to maintain between you and the other person. People usually have a certain distance that is comfortable to have a conversation with someone. We feel threatened when a stranger asks on a bus/train is someone sitting here?".