LIFESCI 2N03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Amniotic Sac, Metabolic Waste, Skeletal Muscle

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Water makes up 60% of our body weight. 75% of skeletal muscle is water we need it for dissolving our electrolytes it also controls our ph. Water balance every cell contains uid and is surrounded by uid intracellular (~65% of total water) extracellular (~35% of total water) plasma and interstitial. 90% of our water from liquids and foods while other 10% is produced in our body through metabolic reactions. 8 x 8 rule: that is 8 times a day we should drink an 8 ounce glass of water. Ai: women 19+: 2. 7 l/day women are closer to their recommended water intake than men. 187 l of ltrate formed each day, but only 1400 ml of urine made, meaning a lot of reabsorption happens.