KINESIOL 2Y03- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 69 pages long!)

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Homeostasis: existence + maintenance of relatively constant environment within body, ability of organism/ cell to maintain equilibrium by adjusting physiological processes, ex. Homeostasis: maintenance of internal stability and equilibrium, dynamic condition, constant adjustments, range of body conditions, normal limits, temporary stresses, medical intervention needed, death. Normal limits: range where equilibrium can change and it does not create issues. Temporary stresses: responses of body cells quickly restore balance, ex. shivering, adjusts body temperature back to normal ranges. Severe stresses: high blood pressure need medication, nervous system sensory and motor functions, endocrine system secretes hormones that regulate functions. 3: homeostasis is re-estalishd when response bring controlled condition back to normal. Negative feedback: deviation from set point is made smaller / resisted, ex. Regulated blood pressure, body temperature, blood sugar levels: ex. eating meal blood sugar goes up needs to go down pancreas secretes insulin.