KINESIOL 2Y03 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Zona Pellucida, Fallopian Tube, Chorionic Villi

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Anatomical position: a standard position that is the starting point of any terms/directions. Feet flat on the ground, arms at sides, palms forward. Distal: further away to attachment location (2 points on the same limb) Lower thigh, leg, ankle, foot limb attaches to trunk and consists of shoulder, armpit, arm, forearm, wrist and hand limb attaches to the trunk and consists of buttock, Sagittal or midsagittal: vertical cut through the body, separation between left and right. Frontal or coronal: divides body into an anterior and posterior sections (front and back) goes through coronal. Transverse / cross: divides body into superior and inferior. Longitudinal cut across length of an organ. Cross/transverse: cut on the width / perpendicular to the length. Oblique: any cut that is not a right angle cut. Serous membranes: (balloon like) membrane that is filled with lubricating serous fluid that is produced by membrane. Inner close to organ represents visceral serous membrane.