KINESIOL 1YY3 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Circulatory System, Myocardial Infarction, Homeostasis

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Transport mechanism for the human body: nutrients. Macronutrients: fats, carbs & proteins which are fuels/energy for the body. Micronutrients: vitamins & minerals; move around our blood: gases. O2 delivered to tissues in body b/c most tissues have mitochondria that use o2 to breakdown fuels for energy. Co2 created by this process & needs to be gotten rid of: end products of metabolism. Lactic acid/lactate; byproduct of high intense exercise. Needs to get out of the muscles & into target tissues to use as fuel. Heat production from atp breakdown: cardiovascular system helps reduce amt of heat produced in body. Wbcs attack foreign invaders in blood: tissue repair. Damage skin or something inside body, mechanisms of the blood create a clot to begin tissue repair process: body temperature. Vasculature; network of tubes that connect different parts of the body to each other: blood. Fluid within the cv system contained inside bvs. Cv system works in close contact with the respiratory system.