[HISTORY 3H03] - Midterm Exam Guide - Ultimate 13 pages long Study Guide!

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Civic humanism is the name given by historians such as hans baron to the cultural and intellectual movement that emerged in florence in the 14th and 15th centuries under the influence of coluccio. Salutati and leonardo bruni: hans argued the movement had important philosophical and moral dimensions informed of good government. Hans baron: one of the most influential historians of the renaissance; crisis of the early italian. Humanism evolved in stages: represented the scholarship of petrarch and his contemporary, giovanni boccaccio; this stage was focused only upon studying and imitating classical literary forms; focus was roman literature knowledge of ancient greek was largely lost. Hans baron argued that civic humanism was more than a literary movement but guided by a new conception of politics and civic life; political engagement became an important pathway to christian virtue. Baron and garin described it as a mixture of classical and christian values adapted to the needs of the italian city-state.