ENGINEER 1P03 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pencil, Carbon Footprint, Correction Fluid

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ENGINEER 1P03 Full Course Notes
ENGINEER 1P03 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

This examination paper includes 12 pages and 41 questions. Responsible for ensuring that your copy of the paper is complete. Bring any discrepancy to the attention of your invigilator. Special instructions: the peo code of ethics is provided at the end of this examination paper, no aids of any kind are allowed, use of any calculator is not allowed, this is a closed book examination. You may not use any reference material: answer all the questions. Select the best answer for each multiple choice other than that which is part of the examination paper. question. There is only one correct answer per question. This examination is out of fifty (50) marks. Forty (40) marks are allocated for the multiple-choice questions and ten (10) marks for the short answer. result in a grade of zero on this examination: all pages in this paper must be returned with your answers.