COMPENG 3SK3 Final: Software Engineering 3F03 Final Exam 2003

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This examination paper includes 4 pages and 5 questions. Responsible for ensuring that your copy of the paper is. Bring any discrepancy to the attention of your. You may bring any books and notes with you into the examination. If you answer five (5) questions, the last question answered will not be marked. You have plenty of time to answer four questions. Write clearly and be as precise in your answers as possible. Each of the following assembler instructions is not legal. Explain why it is not legal, and how the instruction can be corrected. page 2 i) ii) iii) iv) v) mov 24h, bh out ax, 0c59h mov. [si], 62 mov ss, stack cmp [bx+si], [bx+di] (10 marks) Comment each line of code so that it is clear that you understand exactly what each instruction does (6 marks), and then explain precisely what the overall function of the code segment is (9 marks).