EARTHSC 2GG3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Hurricane Preparedness For New Orleans, Silt

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Created by a supercomputer using data from past storms. Became clear that even a small category 3 storm would completely flood new orleans. Drained new orleans causing people to expand onto these now drained areas, without water the organic matter began to breakdown further dropping the land. Every spring when wetlands were flooded it replenished them, and soaked up the violent waters and the trees acted as wind barriers. When levees were built the wetlands were starved of new soil, causing depletion of the wetlands. 2 major breaks in the levees, 75% of new orleans was under water. Workers were restricted to helicopters, used the helicopters to drop sandbags to build up the wall and prevent water from entering. Once sandbags were in place it still took over a month before city was dry. Properly design levee systems and invest the money now to save money later. Rebuild and raise the ground much higher above sea level.