COMMERCE 3S03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Metacognition, Job Performance, Conscientiousness

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Document Summary

Strength: arises from natural talent that is supported & reinforced with both learned knowledge & skills. Talents: naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior: do not have to be forced innate (born with, certain abilities come naturally to us (e. g. investing for warren buffett) Turn talents into strengths by consciously developing and enhancing them. Knowledge: facts, information, and experiences linked together to become meaningful. Facts and information comes from book, class, web, lectures, etc. Skills: accumulated knowledge formalized into behavior steps need to perform an activity. Final outcome for developing your strengths i. e. you can learn the skill to write an adequate essay, but need talent to write a damn good paper. Invigoration rather than exhaustion when using the strength: kindness & fairness rated highest representing near universal strengths/acceptance while self-regulation/control ranked lowest. Focus on strengths (concentrate on your strengths, not your weaknesses: maximize your strengths rather than focus on fixing weaknesses to stay motivated, competent, and satisfied.