COMMERCE 3S03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Amusia, School, Time Management

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Document Summary

Strength: arises from natural talent that is supported and reinforced with both learned knowledge and skills. Talents: can be thought of as your naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling or behavior, don"t have to be forced. Knowledge: consists of facts, information and experiences that are linked together to become meaningful. Skills: accumulated knowledge that has been formalized into behavior steps needed to adequately perform an activity. Skills are the final outcome from developing your strength. Many people are in a form of denial especially about themselves. Most people tend to have an inflated or distorted view of themselves. Most people can enumerate their weaknesses much more readily than their strengths. Concentrate on your strengths not your weaknesses, you excel in life by maximizing your strengths not by fixing your weaknesses. When engaging your strengths, task, activities, and relationships proceed smoothly without much effort.