ARTHIST 2B03 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Classical Order, Acropolis Of Athens, Adyton

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A r t h is t o r y 2 b 0 3 m id t e r m 2. T h e a r c h a i c p e r i o d 6 0 0 - 4 8 0 b c a r c h it e c t u r e a. ) An order is an established arrangement of functional and decorative elements applied to the building in a prearranged pattern. In 600 bc greek architectural orders began to develop. Stone replaces mudbrick (wood beams and terracotta used for roof and frame) Sculptural decoration established as an aspect of doric order, later integrated into. Column has no base and usually has a fluted decoration. As the column became taller it narrows to form a capital. The echinus (slanted portion of the capital) can be used to date the building. Doric frieze: combines triglyph (3 columns) and metopes (sculpted or painted portion)