POLI 244 Study Guide - 2-Step Garage, World Politics

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World politics as puzzles textbook sees to 11 (intro xxi) Framework of 3 core concepts: interests, interactions, and institutions. 2 types of interactions: bargaining actors decide which one will be left better off at expense of other; allocates fixed sum of value between involved actors, cooperation. Actors adopt policies that make at least one better off relative to status quo without making other worse off. Levels of analysis international involving state representatives and sometimes intl institutions, domestic subnational actors, transnational members span borders. 2-step process to work in certain contexts: 1. Domestic interests, interactions, institutions determine interests to bring to intl level. Interests will combine in intl interactions and institutions to determine final outcome. Realism (thucydides, hobbes, machiavelli, rousseau): states are dominant actors. Nearly all interactions will involve bargaining and coercion. Intl institutions are weak and bear little influence. Liberalism (locke, kant, adam smith): accept different types of actors. Accepts different interests without giving any one too much weight.