MGCR 222 Study Guide - Final Guide: Grou, Cognitive Evaluation Theory, Self-Awareness

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Have a desire for performance feedback: people with a need for affiliation: strong desire to establish and maintain friendly, compatible interpersonal relationships have an ability to learn social networking quickly have a tendency to communicate frequently with others prefer to avoid conflict and competition with others, people with a need for power: a strong desire to influence others, making a significant impact or impression seek out social settings in which they can be influential power can be used to serve the power seeker, other people, or the organization. Role related problems: role conflict: when individual finds that complying with one role requirement may make it more difficult to comply with another, role ambiguity: when a person is unclear about his or her role, role overload: too much is expected of someone, role underload: too little is expected of someone, and that person feels that s/he isn"t contributing to the group. Punctuated-equilibrium model characterizes deadline-oriented teams i. e. based on time.