BIOL 205 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Melvin Calvin, Light-Independent Reactions, Carbon Cycle

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Lecture 4- carbon assimilation: photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle (pcr)=calvin cycle. 6co2 + 12h2o glucose + 6o2 + 6h2o + e (672kcal) Nadph from nadp+: reduce carbon during carbon cycle. Atp from adp + pi: activates molecules of intermediates during cavin cycle. To incorporate atmospheric co2 acceptor molecule is needed. Melvin calvin looked for it made up nobel-prize winning experiments: In a flat lollipop (where cells will get all light uniformly) ,we shine light for a sec , and then kill cell by putting them in boiling methanol no more reactions, we extract carbohydrate. Since co2 was radioactive, whatever was produced thanks to it will be radioactive and we can find it. Goal here = to find which molecule became radioactive first: it would be the acceptor. Paper chromatography allows to find where are products. Radioactive shadow are noticed to separate further, rotation of 90degrees. To know what are all the spots comparison with know elements ex: sucrose.