PHIL-360 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Causality, Epicureanism, Survivalism

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However we could also imagine the post-death state as unpleasant (the. Will rely on a conception of the nature of death: termination thesis versus survivalist of the soul. If we assume we exist post-death as conscious souls, then death is not bad; it is a good state for the intelligent soul (phaedo) underworld) So the answer could be yes or no, regarding death being bad for the one who dies. We would need to know what condition the soul enters into before we could assess the goodness/badness. Williams: it may be bad because there is eternal boredom; But also lonely soul argument: an intelligent soul is left without touch, feeling, vision or hearing-no sensation input because it is disembodied. Likewise unable to communicate no mouth, no ears- loneliness is a bad thing, therefore an eternity of afterlife (in a state of loneliness) is a bad thing.