POLI-1007EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Groupthink, Podemos (Spanish Political Party), Divided Government

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However, many citizens no longer understand which party is responsible for what outcome, and therefore have no clear understanding of who it is they support. Moreover, constitutional guarantees for separation of powers and citizens" fundamental rights. All conditions must be present simultaneously for a country to be called democratic if one condition is missing, the political system will fail to meet the contemporary requirements of democratic rule. It is not the same of lobbying it the people want. Moreover, both the republicans as well as the democrats instituted reforms to better represent the population at large control over political agendas and policy outcomes this is connected with. Dahl"s 4th and 5th features of democracy. participate in advisory hearings. It affects dahl"s 3rd feature of democracy it allows more people to be more informed on policies but it can also generate.