HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Making Money, Intelligent Design, Erasistratus

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Hippocrates: read, understand, and be able to reproduce key aspects of the reading on the hippocratics. It is not easy at all, it is very hard: the relationship between pre-socratic philosophy and hippocratic writers. Relationship between pre socratic philosophers, they have a rational approach to the world around them. The hippocratic writers took this approach in their writing. Both were distanced from religion compared to other cultures, but didn"t fully condemn it: the attitude of hippocratic doctors towards religion and how that"s different from other cultures. We can also point to the attitude that hippocratic authors take towards religion. As with pre-socratic philosophy, it"s commonly said that greek medicine distanced itself from religion, and thus became. Scientific and rational. but also as with pre-socratic philosophy, the situation is actually a bit more complicated. Diseases have a natural cause it is not a curse or blessing from the gods.