HIST-1107EL Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Monism, Cogito Ergo Sum, Polytheism

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Isaac beeckman (1588-1637): born to strong calvinistic family in middelburg (nl, studied theology, literature and mathematics, went to study medicine in 1616, graduated in 1618 and became assistant rector in. Eventually they fell out over a dispute but remained in contact: james mill (1773-1836) mechanistic world view, mind could be studied by the method of analyses. Law of conservation of energy; energy can only be transformed from one form to another, it can"t disappear. The implications for the mind-body problem no energetic interactionism; if mind influences matter, we should have a surplus of energy in the body, but we don"t. Occasionalism; interaction between mind and body only possible due to interference of god. Parallelism; mind and body don"t influence each other causally, but run parallel to each other. Idealism; matter only exists if perceived therefore matter is perception esse est percipi. Man as machine; there is no difference between man and animal.