GEOG-1026EL Quiz: What is a city

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Thinking about the urban in human geography: chicago school (sociology) Suburban growth in africa: % of people living in urban areas, absolute number of people living in urban areas. What is urban geography: the urban as physical entity (pacione, 2009) rural urban continum. Population size: sweden, places > 200 inhabitants = urban, usa = places > 2500 inhabitants = urban, what it means to be considered urban = contextual. India if 75% of males work out side agriculture = urban. Meaning of urban places and the effect of urban places on people"s lifestyles. Thinking about the urban in human geography: the chicago school. The chicago school university of chicago, department of anthropology and sociology (1913-: urban analyses of chicago influenced by social darwinism & environmental determinism, city = natural organism. H & u city more complex every one in same social class don"t all live together. Contemporary grog started with spatial scientists in the 1960"s.