BIOL 2004 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pericycle, Endodermis, Cytokinin

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Roots- main functions: anchor the plant, absorb and conduct water and nutrients. Roots produce hormones and other substances: abscisic acid (aba, cytokinin, ethylene. Taproot system: large main root taps deep water sources. Produces branch roots called lateral roots: most dicots and gymnosperms. Fibrous root system: radicle (embryonic root) dies off numerous roots arise. Adventitious roots: no single root stands out as the largest/main root, seen in svps and most monocots. Typically, 50-90% of plants roots occur in top 30cm of soil. Root development occurs near root tip o: zone of cell division: Produces root cap: several layers of cells protects meristem: outer call layers produce slimy polysaccharide mucigel. Trichomes reflect excess light and uv radiation: also protect shoot apical meristems from pathogens. Procambium primary xylem and primary phloem o. Tissue organization of primary mature root: small, hair-like extensions of the root epidermal cells. Used in water and nutrients absorbance o: epidermis, cortex.