COMM 222 : Chp12 Notes.docx

51 views4 pages
11 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Process that occurs when one person, group, or organizational subunit frustrates the goal attainment of another. Involves antagonistic attitudes (dislike each other) and behaviors (name calling, sabotage, etc) Causes of organizational conflict: group identification and intergroup bias. People have the tendency to develop more positive view of their own in-group and less positive view of the out-group . Identifying with the successes of one"s own group and disassociating oneself from out- group failures boosts self-esteem and provides comforting feelings of social solidarity: independence. Conflict occurs when individuals/subunits are mutually dependent on each other to accomplish their own goals. It necessitates interaction between the parties so they can coordinate interests. Each party has some power over the other: differences in power, status and culture. Power: causes conflict if the dependence is one-way and not mutual. Status: conflict when lower-status gives orders to higher-status individuals. Culture: clash in beliefs/values can result in overt conflict: ambiguity.